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Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications
The rapid growth of miniaturisation to meet the demand for increasingly smart devices is driving global investment in a wide range of industries such as IT, electronics, energy, biotechnology and materials science. Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications, written by experts from Asia, Europe and the USA, gives a comprehensive and important global perspective on nanotechnology. divided into 3 parts: National Nanotechnology Initiatives in Asia, Europe and the USAexplores the current status of nanotechnology in China, Korea, Europe and the USA. Investing in Nanotechnology provides practical information about the opportunities and risks involved in nanotechnology and predictions for future growth. Frontiers of Nanotechnology discusses future applications of the technology and the real-world issues surrounding these. Outlining developing trends, emerging opportunities, associated risks and future applications, this book is essential reading for professionals, prospective investors and policy makers who need an accessible introduction to the topic.

Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications
ISBN: 0470854006
5.4 MBFormat: PDF
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Категория: Книги на других языках / Словари | Добавил: Gerich (15.04.2009)
Просмотров: 576 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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