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Michael Senoff "Interview with President of Nightingale-Conant Corporation - Vic Conant"
I have the great pleasure to welcome you to a very special interview with Mr. Vic Conant, the President of Nightingale-Conant Corporation.Nightingale-Conant is the world's largest producer and publisher of personal development products and services. For over 45 years, the have been bringing people the information, skills, and motivation they need to create the life of their dreams through audio products and programs.Nightingale-Conant Corporation was founded in 1960 by Lloyd Conant and Earl Nightingale.


Lloyd Conant, an early direct mail expert and owner of a direct mail, printing, and fulfillment business and Earl Nightingale, a well-known motivational talk radio host for Chicago's WGN Radio and author of "The Strangest Secret" combined forces to market and distribute Earl's recordings of "The Strangest Secret", "Lead The Field" (a self-improvement industry classic), and "Our Changing World". In 1978.
Nightingale-Conant began publishing and marketing new authors, beginning with Denis Waitley and eventually including Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Zig Ziglar, and many more of the industry's most recognized names.
In this interview, you will hear Vic and I discuss the early years of both his father, Lloyd Conant, and Earl Nightingale.  You will hear exactly what motivated Earl Nightingale to begin to speak and create products dealing with self improvement. 
Vic reveals how Earl and his father eventually joined forces to create and market their first huge success.
Listen as Vic explains the advantages of audio products over video products and even books and why Nightingale-Conant products are ultimately so popular.  He goes on to explain why very successful people and entrepreneurs are so interested in self improvement products.
A few of the highlights of this exceptional interview are:
•    How Vic became the President of Nightingale-Conant Corporation.
•    Who is Vic’s Number One mentor and why?
•    What the best-selling self improvement topic is and has been for many years.
•    Which types of media have brought the company the most sales (i.e. television, radio, Internet, etc.).
•    The most profitable strategy used to market and sell their products.
•    How and why the personal development business has increased over the past twenty-five years.
•    The importance of good time management.
•    Some of the very sophisticated marketing analyses used by the company.
•    The new Mentoring Program offered by Nightingale-Conant to coach potential customers to meet their unique needs.
•    The importance of relationships.  Vic shares some of his own personal experiences.
Attention Information Product Authors!
•    Learn how an audio book author would submit a product to Nightingale-Conant.
•    Learn how Nightingale-Conant works with new authors.
•    Understand the importance of the product having a great title and why this is more important than the graphics or the packaging.
I invite you to become acquainted with Vic Conant through this insightful interview.  He is personable, truly interested in how his business helps people, and shares a great deal of inside information into the audio publishing industry through his years of experience and wealth of knowledge.

Play time: 45 min

Also PDF version of interview in archive.


Категория: Книги на других языках / Словари | Добавил: Gerich (15.04.2009)
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