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Review of Nasa's Aerospace Technology Enterprise: An Assessment of Nasa's Aeronautics Technology Programs
ISBN: 0309091195
3.4 MB
Format: PDF
Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academy Press

Книги на других языках / Словари | Просмотров: 482 | Добавил: Gerich | Дата: 15.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Book Description Retailing in the new millennium stands as an exciting, complex and critical sector of business in most developed as well as emerging economies. Today, the retailing industry is being buffeted by a number of forces simultaneously, e.g., increasing competition within and across retailing formats, the growth of online retailing, the advent of ???radio frequency identification??™ (RFID) technology, the explosion in customer-level data availability, the global expansion of major retail chains like Wal-Mart and METRO Group and so on. Making sense of it all is not easy but of vital importance to retailing practitioners, analysts and policymakers. With crisp and insightful contributions from many of the world's leading experts in retailing, Retailing in the 21st Century offers in one book a compendium of state-of-the-art, cutting-edge knowledge to guide successful retailing in the new millennium.

Книги на других языках / Словари | Просмотров: 567 | Добавил: Gerich | Дата: 15.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

This collection of readings shows how cognitive science can influence most of the primary branches of philosophy, as well as how philosophy critically examines the foundations of cognitive science. Its broad coverage extends beyond current texts that focus mainly on the impact of cognitive science on philosophy of mind and philosophy of psychology, to include materials that are relevant to five other branches of philosophy: epistemology, philosophy of science (and mathematics), metaphysics, language, and ethics. The readings are organized by philosophical fields, with selections evenly divided between philosophers and cognitive scientists. They draw on research in numerous areas of cognitive science, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, psychology of reasoning and judgment, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and neuropsychology. There are timely treatments of current topics and debates such as the innate understanding of number, children's theory of mind, self-knowledge, consciousness, connectionism, and ethics and cognitive science.

Книги на других языках / Словари | Просмотров: 456 | Добавил: Gerich | Дата: 15.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Book Description Policy, methods, and tools to make good decisions Project success means making the numbers. Project success means delivering business value from the application of resources to project scope and taking measured risks to achieve deliverables. Quantitative methods provide the basis for calculating value, establishing the project metrics that will be the measures of success, and helping project managers understand the numerical values of risks to be addressed.

Книги на других языках / Словари | Просмотров: 444 | Добавил: Gerich | Дата: 15.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

This book focuses on safer sex discussion and practice in close, personal relationships, emphasizing research on individuals in personal relationship types that are experiencing a rise in HIV infection and AIDS. Moving beyond studies of gay adult males and IV drug-users, this work paints a clear picture of the very real risk that exists for these less-studied, more general populations, so individuals may better personalize the risk and engage in more preventative measures. Authors Tara M. Emmers-Sommer and Mike Allen examine issues surrounding safer sex, utilizing research that focuses on how individuals struggle with personalizing the HIV and AIDS risk and how they cope with safer sex issues. Safer Sex in Personal Relationships takes readers on a journey through a variety of close relationship types. It begins by highlighting awareness to the global enormity of HIV and AIDS and providing a link between the global and personal, and the need to make HIV and AIDS awareness part of everyday talk and personal relationship structure. It then focuses on:

Книги на других языках / Словари | Просмотров: 490 | Добавил: Gerich | Дата: 15.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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